Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I have been walking around in disbelief that it seemed so hot here! I am sweating up a storm -- so happy every time we get in an air conditioned room. I keep thinking (and saying to my roommate Mariah) "I am from the South, I am used to heat! What is wrong with me?!". Then at lunch today Dan told us it is 93 degrees Farenheit today!! LOL I feel better -- I should be sweating and hot!!
The walk to the clinic is short and sweet -- maybe a 5 minute walk and there has been a breeze up until this morning. For future volunteers: the AC works really well in the rooms at the hotel, but in the restaurant you have to ASK every day for them to turn on the AC LOL I have been sweating by the end of breakfast :-) Bring light clothing!!
Dan also said it can get up to 105!!!! YIKES I hope not this year! ;-)

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