Little Alexandra (or maybe Alexandria) is the newest member of the clinic... she is itty bitty and has some physical problems. Her hands each have 3 fingers and she isn't ready to suck yet so she has a feeding tube. She is in the isolation room with Maria. My roommate Mariah asked to hold her and was given the okay.. 5 seconds later Alexandra spit up all over her! LOL She already fits right in!! I have no other info on this sweet one yet but will let you know when I find anything out!
The second newest member of the Tutova Clinic is Petre. He is a precious 2 1/2 month old who is being taken care of by Becky, Leigh's 29 year old daughter. He was a preemie and malnourished.

I love holding Ema -- this is her cute sunsuit and matching hat!! Can you tell how hot I am?! I am ready to ask Dan to shave *my* head like little Cristi!! (Joyce is the volunteer in the background -- a 6th grade teacher from NJ)

Ema in her favorite rainforest swing!

Leigh, a volunteer from WI, holding Maria... Dan brought her into the non-mobile room for one of us to hold after lunch. She is so beautiful. We are all deeply saddened by her condition. :-(

Sweet Maria Cleopatra...

Allie, our youngest volunteer 16 -- she is here with her mom, brother, and aunt all of whom have been teaching English at the school... she is playing with Baby Andreea

Sweet Ionela showing her independence by trying to put on her shoes

My roommate, Mariah, helping Ionela put on her shoes for an outside adventure!

Ema when I arrived at the clinic (she is dressed in a pair of Hannah's shorts, Trish)
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