Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cum se spune OMG în limba română?

or... how do you say 'oh my gosh' in Romanian??

Last week I picked up an audio tape set for learning Romanian at the local used bookstore (McKay's -- my favorite store in the whole wide world). It was only $6.95 but missing the phrase book. I figured it couldn't hurt and might help -- that maybe I would at least become familiar with hearing the language.

OMG.. tonight was the first night I tried to listen to it... LOL I am truly beginning to doubt my ability to ever learn to speak a second language. I took Latin in high school and college so I wouldn't have to try to "speak" a foreign language. I tell people I can barely speak English LOL I think it has something to do with living in the South. Seriously, I have trouble with phonics -- hard for me to sound words out, I know the meanings of thousands of words but never use them in oral conversation because I have no idea how to pronounce them... weird and off topic.. .

So, we are listening to the phrases and pronunciations and I'm seriously not sure whether to laugh or cry! After about 25 minutes Emily asked if we could stop because it was seriously making her head hurt. LOL We stopped.. I am going to have to see the words in print and hear them at the same time if I ever hope to learn anything...

First thing I did when I got home tonight -- located the used phrase book that should have been in the set and bought 2 other phrase books at Amazon! LOL Wish me luck!

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