Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday June 22, 2011

This morning Mihaela brought markers, colored pencils, and drawing paper to the hospital. It was a huge hit!
The older kids "drew"...
Gabi amused herself with light and shadows..

Deon-Georgiana played with toys..

Sebastian and Denisa
Krista took Ana-Maria to her favorite rolling spot...

Mihi chased after Mama Mihaela until she scooped her up and gave her some lipstick. :-)

Mina-Tonya (below) drew this lovely picture of a house and 2 people.

Then it was bottle time.. Gabi did MUCH better drinking her bottle today!

The older kids went outside to play but Paula wasn't interested in going out when they did.. then later she walked down to the doorway that leads to the stairs and acted like she wanted to go out.
Emily let Gabi play with her iPod touch.. she *loved* it!

Gabi's vision is apparently so poor that she likes colors and lights super close to her eyes.

Gabi having a zen moment with the iPod.

Emily and Paula really connected today.. Paula was in a super bad mood and only Emily could make her happy! I was shocked! Paula has improved so much since I was last in Tutova! I am so happy with her progress! Here Emily was giving her kisses up her arm.
See how happy Paula was!

Mihi is jealous, of course.. Paula loved this bouncy game of "sus" (pronounced Seuss, as in Dr. Seuss and it means up)... Watching how happy Paula was reminded me of the johnny jumper from the clinic. Mihaela is going to ask the doctor about getting it out of storage for Paula. But apparently the doctors think it is better for Paula to practice walking instead of jumping.

Mihi drawing while the other kids are outside.

Coca and Raul trying to find a shady spot. I am going to look in Iasi this weekend and see if I can purchase a canopy for the clinic playground so the children have some shade!

Mihi is great at the game of "pretend". She and Emily are pretending to eat berries in the book.
Mihi and Gabi watching a science video on Jennea's iPad.

Gabi with a baby doll we brought over from the States.

Maria-Cleopatra taking a nap.
Paula visiting Nadia, a 16 year old with severe CP.

Bradley has to take turns throwing Mihi up in the air.



So happy to see Gabi take off crawling! We are practicing walking
every day but the crawling is great too!
These are 2 of the rooms that will hopefully become "ours". They are doing renovations at the end of the hall to turn these 2 rooms into a great big playroom for Global Volunteers to use with the children who need to stay at the hospital for a longer amount of time.
I know this is a bad picture but seeing the HUGE open window made me so happy! The windows in the current rooms are small and have so many screens you can barely see out!

Window at the end of the hall.

Gabi only drank a bit of her soup bottle.. but everyone there insists she just doesn't like the soup. I was encouraged by how much milk she drank today.. so hopefully she is feeling better.

After our lunch we hung out near the front of the hospital and Emily bought an ice cream. It came with a shovel! LOL
This is the window to one of our rooms. Notice the birds' nest in the corner. We think they are finches.

As you walk up the stairs at the hospital (we are on the 4th floor and there is no elevator) there are pictures like the one above hanging everywhere. These are all paintings done by children either staying in the hospital or living in Barlad. They are beautiful!

How on earth is Sami sleeping like this?!

After naps.. Mihaela and I took the 3 older kids (Mina-Tonya. Emilian, and Georgi) to the playground. Mihaela picked some berries from a bush and told me to give them to the kids. LOL Talk about a mess!! They are going to be stained purple FOREVER! I didn't really get any pictures of them being messy because it was just me outside and I was too busy trying to keep an eye on all 3 of them.
Emilian (blue shirt), Delia (Dan and Mihaela's daughter), Mina-Tonya, and Georgi
Georgi in the middle of the berry bush

Mina-Tonya picking more berries

Kerry and Sami in deep discussion.

When all the others came outside I decided to go back up and help out up there. Ana-Maria, Paula, Gabriela, and Mihaela had to stay inside along with Nadia and Maria-Cleopatra.
Is this not the sweetest picture ever? You can see the love and compassion on Mihaela's face while she was playing with Ana-Maria.

Mihaela gavae Ana-Maria several kisses but I never caught one on camera!



Gabi mesmerized by the light again.

Emily and Paula playing.

Mihaela and Jane had a long session of pretend play... where Mihi pretended to throw her kleenex (which was really a baby wipe she was using on her nose) at Jane and Ana-Maria. Jane would then act disgusted when the dirty thing landed on her and then throw it back at Mihi. We all laughed so hard that we were crying.. Mihi included!!
Hands down the best chocolate in the world!!


Rebecca Smock said...

The pictures of Emily and Paula actually made me cry. Something about the way Emily was holding her when she was kissing her arm just got me. What an amazing daughter you have. So mature, compassionate and selfless. This experience will effect and enrich her life so much and I am so glad that she is getting to do this.

Evan said...

OMG, you are the best sharing all of this news and pictures. Your Emily is a natural! Good to see Gaby doing Gaby things but she looks much thinner. Like you, I thought Paula was much better and I even learned (as Robin says) "to speak Paula" a bit. Don't laugh but I used to pretend to be the jumperoo and jump her up and down until my back gave out. I would say wish I was there with you but I couldn't take the heat.

