Oh My Gosh.. Dinner Monday night at the hotel was DELICIOUS!!! Some kind of potatoes, mushrooms, onions, cheese, and sour cream mixture... Momma, do you think you could make this for me when I get home??
And the perfect Romanian cucumber and tomato salad... yummy!
Yep, here is begins.. first picture of the day Gabi and her dreaded bottle!!
Emily feeding baby Ionella right before CPS came and took her away. I didn't even get to hold this precious baby!!!!
Sami the drummer boy... this is a drum we brought over from home..
Emily and Mihaela
Again, Emily and Mihi.. best buds ;-)
Gabriela with her special ball
Gabi again
Mihaela is so active and she can't go outside due to her fever and IV...
Emily is getting a workout every day with this angel!
Sami playing ball with Kerry (above and below)
Gabi was fascinated with the lights from Krista's camera.
When everyone else went outside Em and I stayed inside with the twins and Paula... Oh my gosh.. it was hilarious! We laughed so much... Mihi loves Emily and Gabi and Paula tolerate me.
The picture below is when Gabi heard Don't Stop Believing.. the Glee version.. I videoed the girls dancing.. it is precious!! However, lovely Blogger moved it to the bottom of the blog... so go watch it when you get to the bottom.. AND be sure to watch the whole thing... hilarious!!
Gabi with her other special ball we brought over from the States. Paula playing in the background..
Paula looking back to see if I realize she is making a break for it...
Emily has 2 cameras with her.. she gave her old one to Mihi to take pictures.. she loves it.. wears it on her arm like a purse!
Eating some banana for snack...
Mihi crawling through the tunnel
Lunch time! Coca is feeding Gabi and Mihi from the same bowl because
Gabi refused her bottle yet again.
As you can see the older kids are eating a soup with pieces of bread soaked in it.. it is actually the same soup we are having downstairs in the lunchroom and is quite tasty. Here Krista feeds Alex.
Loriana -- I asked her what her name was today LOL
(the Romanian high school volunteer) is feeding Sami.
Jane is feeding Sebastain (whose nickname is Sabi)
This is Gabi's face when confronted with food :-(
Mihaela just does not feel well! :-(
This is in the afternoon.. after we have had lunch and the kiddos have had naps.. Sami is giggling so much over this crazy butterfly!
Emily dressed for dinner at the Alona.
Dinner at the Alona
I had a traditional Romanian dish, Emily had mushroom spaghetti ;-)
Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs have moved inside off the lawn.
The Alona is filled with porcelain dolls! Spooky!!
The back entrance to the Alona.. it is one of 5 restaurants we will eat in this trip.
Around Barlad
The Hotel Occident.. with Lidl (formerly Plus) in the foreground
Cute video! :-) If you have the Glee version of "Somebody to Love" and a free moment, play it for Maria-Cleopatra; she loved it last summer!
Oh my goodness! I'm laughing and crying at the same time watching that video. Absolutely precious! Take more videos!!!!
I love the video! Emily is a beautiful girl and she is so good with the kids, and it's so cute how Mihaela finally gets it after a bit.
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