Monday, August 10, 2009

35th Day in Romania/Friday Morning at the Clinic

Before I forget... NEWS FLASH: You can now buy peanut butter in Romania!! Yes, it is true.. the supermarket, InterEx, sells peanut butter. Although I didn't have any my teammates assured me it tasted just as good as peanut butter you buy in the States! So future volunteers instead of packing peanut butter you can pack a few more supplies for the clinic!! YIPEE!!

Stephanie and Trent with their jars of peanut butter

Eve, Lila, me, and Trent
(the 2 week-ers and me)

The new stroller/bike purchased Thursday night

Big Andreea
(Sorry about the lack of pictures Evan! Nicoletta has been taking Andreea out a lot to work with her! YIPEE for Andreea! Nicoletta was off on Friday so I was able to get quite a few pics!! LOL)




Cristi, Ion, and Andreea playing

Andreea, Volunteer Alex, Andrei, and Ion


Alex is doing a great job exercising Andreea every day!

Ion climbing my leg to get at the camera!


Paula enjoying the walker in the hallway



Alex and her books

Becca and Mihaela

Alina climbed into the lego toy box! We laughed so much at her!
She is such a little peanut!

Ionela fretting over the attention Alina was getting.

She thought sitting in the toy box herself would be a good idea! LOL

Sami walking!

Paula in her crib... one of the few places she enjoys being! When she becomes overstimulated putting her in her crib truly calms her down. She feels safest there.

Andreea got yogurt all over her pretty yellow dress so Alex had to change her.


Cristi enjoying some time in a bouncer.

My favorite picture of me and Ema yet! Thanks for taking it Alex!

Ema always has horrible ear wax. I used the edge of a diaper to clean out her ears. She must be ticklish because she laughed and laughed! Alex took the pictures for me! :-)

Andreea enjoying some stand up time in the jumperoo.

After all that exercise Andreea needed a nap! LOL
She fell asleep in her chair in the room with all those loud babies!

Paula in the jumperoo

You can see in this picture how Ema's left ear is misshapen. This is because she favors her left side. When we arrive in the mornings and go to her crib to pick her up her left ear is normally folded over and smooshed flat. :-( I have been lying her on her right side for short periods of time each day to help loosen the muscles and hopefully make it more comfortable for her. Oh, on a side note... Stretch Amy educated me a little on our train ride about epilepsy. A person is considered epileptic if he/she has more than one seizure. So, yes, Ema is epileptic. I am so happy to say that she is so much better than she was in December/January!!

Petre.. I just loved him in this outfit!!

He is the cutest crier in the bunch too! :-) I never did get a good picture of his pouty lip but it is something I will never forget.

Alex took this picture of me with Ema and Petre before their noon bottles. Can you believe I am smiling even though it is my last day?!? LOL

1 comment:

Evan said...

Thank you for the Andreea pix! Nicoletta is such a jewel. It is great she gives Andreea so much attention. Hope you are adjusting to being home.