Sad News from Tutova
We found out today that the surgeon in Bucharest who was evaluating Maria has said that surgery will not help her. When we went over around 8:30pm for the team's last visit Maria was back from Bucharest. Dan explained to us this afternoon that they knew when Maria arrived that it was only a matter of time until she died.. she had been placed at Tutova Clinic to be cared for until her death. She has continued to survive and has blessed the lives of many volunteers. On Sunday, Maria will be one year old. Please say a special prayer for her tomorrow!
The second piece of sad news that we received yesterday was in regards to baby Alexandra. On Thursday night she was transported to the Children's Hospital in Barlad. Apparently she hadn't eaten well the day and when they weighed her she had actually lost weight. Then sometime in the evening she had a horrible diarrhea diaper and the call was made to send her to the hospital in order to provide more intense care. I am hopeful that she will receive some antibiotics and be returned to Tutova in the next 2 weeks.
Thank you for all your prayers!
give Maria a big kiss for me, I miss that special little girl!
that last comment was from Caroline
: )
My name is Kristen,
I am actually going with global volunteers in March to the Tutova clinic. I have been reading your blog and looking at the pictures. The children are so beautiful and I hope I can help them in the same way you clearly have. If you have any advice you could email me at, it would be much appreciated!
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