Monday, July 6, 2009


While a team of 19 sounds good in theory -- "one adult for each baby" -- in reality it is a tad large for the clinic. It is hard to fit that many adults into such a small space... today 3 volunteers went to teach English at the high school and a mother/daughter team was traveling from Bucharest after recovering from a stomach flu so we only had 14 at the clinic and it took some getting used to! Due to the huge number of people... and the fact that many went their own way... I was unable to get pictures of all the babies today :-( Also Big Andreea and Miastra are at the hospital in Barlad for routine tests and will hopefully return by Wednesday.

Nicoletta (the wonder aide!) blowing bubbles for Sami, Cristi, Mihaela, and Ionela

Ion (pronounced e-juan).. a cute baby boy who has returned to the clinic after heart surgery

Little Andreea (we dressed her in girly clothes shortly after this picture)

Andre... another new arrival since my time here in December

Lea-Celine, who was in Iasi in the hospital during my Dec/Jan stay

Sweet Alina, trying to get her eyes adjusted to the sunshine

Sami reading a book in the mobile room

Cristi with his new summer hair cut!

Mihaela (above and below).. look at those curls!! She is walking on her own 100%

Ionela enjoying the swing in her pretty fancy shoes!

Gabriela with my new friend, Lauren -- Gabi has grown so much in the last 6 months.. actually in the last 3 months since Lauren was here (March '09).. she is pushing up.. reaching for toys.. HUGE leaps and bounds in development but still the sweet cuddly baby she was before!

Ahhh.. Ema-Elena.. the medicine she is taking for seizures has helped so much with her spasms...She seemed so comfortable all day today. Unfortunately tonight she had a very rough evening... and cried almost constantly with her body stiff :-(
My first new picture with Ema :-)


Evan said...

Yeah! So happy to see new pix. I can understand about it being crowded. I'm lucky to be able to go at times other than summer. Can't wait for big Andreea to get back from Barlad. Any scoop on Maria aka chalupa?

Bec's tales said...

Yeah I am so happy to see the babies! Only three more weeks until I will be there myself to hold them! See you soon. Meanwhile keep loving on them!

Rebecca Smock said...

It's funny how I'm beginning to know the babies' names before I even read your caption! I am so glad you are doing this blog so I can live this through you a little! I hope that everything is going well. Know that we're thinking about you and praying for you and those sweeties.

Terri McCarter said...

No news about Maria, Evan :-( Nothing, nada, zip and I have asked several times already!! LOL I will keep at it and maybe get us some info! There is hope though since Ion had a short stay prior to his heart surgery and did finally return after surgery!