Wednesday, July 29, 2009

24th Day in Romania/ Monday at the Clinic

Bright and early Monday morning we began our day... okay so it only felt early but it was a bright day!! Four volunteers, Stephanie, Trent, Stan, and Carol went to the local high school with Mihaela while 15 other volunteers made their way to the clinic with Dan. As we were walking up the clinic drive way we heard, "Good Morning!" from behind the trees. There were 2 aides working in the garden before the heat enveloped the day! I walked around the trees and asked permission before getting this picture. I love the fact that they not only take care of the children inside the clinic but that they also help work the gardens and grounds of the clinic. You can easily see their dedication to their jobs!

Ana-Maria and her part-time assistant, Coca... Ana is wearing one of the dresses Paula and Ali (from the last team) picked out in Bucharest.

Someone on my last team once said something about Ion looking like Michael Jackson (was that you Leigh?) and I just didn't see it... In this photo dressed in pink with the expression on his face I definitely see the resemblance!

Petre... sleeping so he can grow big and strong!! I swear this kid grows bigger every day!


Cristi-Daniel in his cute plaid overalls!

Baby Andreea taking her morning nap

Andrei practicing sitting all alone with Shirley's help

Nicoletta folding towels while Big Andreea watches!

Sami in deep thought about what it means to be a big 4 year old!!

Lea-Celine trying out the toddler room

Alina practicing her walking

Alexandra "reading" some Romania National Geographic Magazines I bought on the train.

Delta, one of the new volunteers, and baby Daniela whom I have fallen in love with!

Maiastra.. she is becoming more social!!

Mihaela... oh my gosh, everyone just loves this kid on first glance but it wasn't until this trip that I truly fell in love with her!! She is so smart and so stubborn! She would fit right in at my house! LOL

This is my favorite picture of Mihaela of all time!!

Lea-Celine is such a little mama. She is fascinated by the real babies; i.e., Petre and Daniela. Susan, another volunteer, dug out this baby for me to give her. Lea-Celine has been using a seahorse as her baby NOW she has her own baby. I am so happy!

Andrei in the afternoon :-)

Trevor, another new volunteer and Delta's son, playing in the sand with Ionela. We have all decided he is going to be a terrific dad someday!

An evening at the clinic

As we came back from our evening rotation at the clinic we spotted this little black and white kitty! Several of us fell in love immediately. Trent, another volunteer, is a cat lover too! Sadly we haven't seen the kitty since Monday. I tried to convince someone to keep it in their room as a mouse deterrent but no luck! :-(

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