Sunday, July 3, 2011

photos Thursday June 30, 2011

Raul enjoying his bath...

Emily and Ana-Maria playing with the bunny ears
Ana apparently bit her tongue during the night.. she spent most of the day with it sticking out!


Emily finally got the bow in Ana-Maria's hair! Only to have her rip it out again seconds later.

Carmen -- Carmen isn't allowed out of her stroller at the moment even though she can walk. She has been having several seizures and even with someone working with her one-on-one they feel like she is safer in her stroller. Kerry played with her lots though while she was talking with her "girls" - Cleo and Nadia. :-)

Valle, not appreciating taking a break from walking practice!

Then madness struck! Kids, kids everywhere!! :-) I was so happy for Coca though!! I had told her about seeing Ana-Maria at the placement center Wednesday afternoon and she asked a million questions. Coca was Ana's one-on-one aide at Tutova for quite some time. She hadn't seen her since Ana left Tutova almost 2 years ago. It was a blessing for Coca to be reunited with her!
Coca and Ana.. Coca cracks me up.. she is one of the most welcoming Romanians I have met. She is so open and bubbly every time you see her. But when I ask if I can take her picture with Ana....
She gives me this smile (below).. crazy woman! I love her so much! If anyone would like to make a donation to Global Volunteers you can specify that it be used toward paying Coca's salary!!

The kids were so excited to be back at the hospital that they were running every where and go through everything.. so the pictures are not the best but I think you will understand :-)

Alina and Emily


Ion immediately found someone who would give him food! I think he is eating a grape.. or maybe a green olive! ;-)

Maiastra and Ion

Ion and Maiastra digging through a toy box

Ion found the sunglasses :-)


Dinner at the G restaurant ;-)
Lorry bought us all Romanian flags to put in our cars at home. :-)

from left to right: Jennea, Dan, Krista, and Kerry
from far to near: Jane, Emily, and Lorry

the sweet card Lorry gave us..

finally I can see the name of the restaurant.. I swear it sounds nothing like that when they pronounce it! I must have a hard time with Romanian "g" words...

Lorry doesn't look too thrilled about the purple ice cream :-)

It was delicious though!

Presentation of meals is very important in Romania -- they do a lovely job!
My Romanian donuts, a traditional dessert... I got a couple of bites and then Emily traded me her ice cream for the rest :-)


Evan said...

Mihaela said Bud was going to send an email out about contributing towards Coca's salary but I never saw anything. I'm curious as to where the child sponsorship and other money is going given the change in sites.

Pat's Romanian Journal said...

Me too, Evan.

Terri: You are a good mother! I would not have traded my Romanian donuts for anything!