Saturday, August 1, 2009

Even the Sunflowers are Sad

Remember the pictures of the beautiful sunflower fields... I didn't see any of them today.. in their place I saw these droopy, 'sadflowers' instead. Although I know logically that it must be harvesting time I did think to myself that even the sunflowers are sad that it is almost time for me to leave. I am so thankful I was here when the sunflowers were standing tall and proud and gorgeous!


Steve Wenzel said...

Terri: Thank you so very much for sharing your weeks with us through your updates and pictures. I am so looking forward to my scheduled return to Tutova on Sept. 5. Hoping you have an enjoyable remaining week at Tutova and safe travels home. Steve Wenzel

Maria said...

Terri: In anticipation of my trip in two weeks (August 14th) I have read each and every word of your blog! It has been fabulous and has helped me immensely in preparing for my 2nd trip to Tutova. How lucky of you to stay for five weeks. I can only go for a week, as I have two little ones at home still (ages 8 and 6). Enjoy your last week with the babies and I will try and pick up where you left off! However, it looks like you leave some big shoes to fill! If you think of any donations that the clinic needs just let me know and I will see what I can bring. I am gathering my stuff as we speak. I do not have a blog but can be reached at Safe journey home!

Maria Milano-Bilbao

Terri McCarter said...

Steve and Maria, Thank you for your kind words! I love sharing info about the clinic with previous volunteers AND future volunteers! An email update would be great while you guys are here!! Thanks!