Saturday, July 25, 2009

End of the Project Party with Dr. Delia

At the end of each 3 week team we have a party with the nurses, aides, and Dr. Delia. We bought treats we thought the aides would like Thursday night on our trip into Barlad. Dan bought the drinks and watermelon. It is a fun time to slow down and spend some time together.

Jane and Coca

Ionela joined the party and we let her try the treats. She liked the watermelon!

Not sure of the aide in blue's name.. the one is red is Deanna.. Jane.. Mihaela holding Ionela

The head nurse, Mrs. Miheala... another nurse Vallie (pronounced like Valley.. not sure of the spelling)... Ionela with Mihaela's keys

Ionela sampled everyone's plate to see who had the best food!

Mihaela, Ionela, Dr. Delia, and Dan

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