When she started to get a little upset I picked her up and showed her the mermaid on the wall. She liked touching it for a few minutes then she was ready for some quiet time in her crib. Paula shows several autistic tendencies but I have never read her journal to see if there is an official diagnosis.
Lea-Celine was with us all morning also.. we weren't really given instructions on what she could or could not so so for most of the morning I tried to entertain her in her chair. Later I took her into the hallway to play "chicken" in a stroller with Ion in a walker.. We had a great time!
Ion in the jumper... I have firm instructions from Leigh that she expects him to be walking by the time I leave in 3 weeks!! Uh-oh, better strengthen those legs!
Ema had a rough day today. :-( She didn't want to stay in her swing. It was miserably hot and with the body heat the 2 of us give off we were both sweating! Finally after several burps she sat in the swing and seemed content.
Gabi took a morning nap instead of eating cereal. Carol took her outside for a walk with Alenandra. Later when Gabi refused to take her noon bottle Nicoletta took her and fed her.
Andreea practicing her Cleopatra pose.. all the boys already love her.. this pose is just gonna get her in trouble!! LOL
Big Andreea hung out with Nicoletta and the big kids until lunch time. She looked so pretty dressed in her blue plaid dress!
Marius has been quite a fuss budget for the last few days.. we can't tell if he is teething or what .. poor guy! He does like the jumper though! And also the walker in the hall.
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