Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 10 in Romania/Monday at th Clinic

Monday was another one of those wild and crazy days at the clinic! What on earth are we going to do next week when our team of 17 dwindles to 6?!? I'll miss everyone who is going home!

Yogurt Time... Ion and Leigh

Becky feeding Marius while holding Petre

Allie feeding Andre and Baby Andreea.. Ema was sleeping in the swing

Sweet Alina after a walk outside with Margaret

Baby Andreea... look at that smile!!

Ion was not a happy camper!

Both sides of our sweet Gabriela -- the sleeping beauty and the laughing baby!

Ionela stopped in for a quick visit

Ema after we got her all cleaned up after a spit up.. she is wearing the silly monkey onesie!

Marius the man... (December/January team, remember this toy?! Still a favorite of Marius and Cristi!! Good purchase!)

Marius in a new bouncer/exerciser that Jane brought... none of the kiddos have the hang of the exerciser part yet but once they get it it is gonna be great!


NEW BABY -- Daniela

When we arrived Monday morning we discovered there was a new kid in town.. sweet Daniela. She is 5 months old but is the size of a 2 month old. She has malnutrition issues, anemia, and a lack of chromium in her blood. We hope to get her good and healthy so she can leave the Isolation Room soon!

Maria, Daniela, and Leigh


Winnie brought special preemie nipples and bottles for babies with cleft palate. Here she is feeding little Alexandra with one of the special red nipples for preemies. Baby Alex is teeny tiny.. she is 2 months old but looks much younger. On Monday they took out her feeding tube and started her on a bottle. That also means she is no longer stuck in the Isolation Room! YIPEE! Now she is getting lots of love and attention!

Alexandra and Joyce

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