This morning started out with a picture of what is left of the crew :-)
Paula, Jane, Mihaela, Chris, Dan, and me (Ali was sick this morning)
Here is the sight that greeted me when I arrived at the clinic alone -- Ali wasn't feeling well so it was going to be just me in the baby room.. Whew, I walked in and there were 2 aides sitting on the pink mat in the lower left corner of the pic.. Ema-Elena was screaming in her swing. It was not a pretty site.. I shot the aides a look to let them know I wondered why they were just sitting there when Ema was screaming. One of them quickly scooped up the baby that was closest to her. Then it was bottle time so they helped feed the babies and as soon as bottles were done they left. That is when I took this picture. Going around the wall:
Andreea, Petre, Lea-Celine, Ema-Elena, Paula... then on the floor: Gabi, baby Andreea, Alina, Marius, Ion, and Andre. Shortly after this Andre was taken away and given a shot and a breathing treatment. :-( He is sick... poor baby!
3 little birds all in a row
Lea-Celine, Ema-Elena, Paula
I had mentioned to Dan that I would really like to get the kids outside today so he took out a blanket and spread it out in the shady spot on the playground. It was a lot cooler on the playground than in the little stuffy baby room! As I brought him a baby to begin the baby shuffle I bumped into Ali!!! She was feeling well enough to come over -- Thank Goodness!!
Gabriela *loved* being outside. She was so content all morning (until Ionela stepped on her face LOL but that is another story...). She just rolled around the blanket and entertained herself. It was great to see her happy!
Dan came out to help with yogurt and baby food time. I bought 39 jars of baby food Tuesday night in Barlad and took it over this morning. Jane brought lots of yogurt. So the babies ate well today for snack!
Andreea ate a whole container of yogurt and then a jar of baby food! So happy to see her get her fill!
Mihaela has a fascination with the babies in the bouncers or swing. She cannot help herself from climbing on them.. Ema actually laughed when she climbed on her at first but then after a knee in the face she wasn't so happy. Jane and I both did everything in our power to stop Mihaela and nothing helped! Not sure how to break her of this bad habit!!
Ema was super fussy over all today and I asked an aide if maybe she was teething. She looked in her mouth and took her to the nurse. Apparently they determined that she has something like thrush and so they used this awful blue medicine in her mouth. None of these pictures do it justice!
Alina the climbing, running girl! She tries to climb all over us while we are trying to settle down one of the upset babies. Poor girl doesn't understand that we don't have 10 arms!
The babies kept picking up these things off the ground.. Jane was trying to figure out what they were and Dan told us they are almonds! There are several trees of them around the clinic! How cool is that?! :-)
This afternoon was so crazy I didn't even have time to take my camera out!! So all these pics were from this morning. Alina fell on the back of the rocking chair and busted her lip.. Ema cried almost constantly. Some of the kids never even got out of their cribs! On a good note: Cristi and Sami are back from the hospital!! YEA!!
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