Monday, January 5, 2009


I am working with the non-mobile babies but get a chance to sneak in and visit the mobile babies occasionally. Kim, Shannon, and Laura were specifically assigned to work with the mobile babies. They are going to have to try to get some better pictures! When you go into the mobile room with a camera you are bombarded by babies! LOL The camera fascinates them! Keep looking and you'll see what I mean...

Alexandra, the oldest child at the clinic... Alex has brittle bone disease and dwarfism for sure.. she is a sweet girl who loves books and has the most amazing laugh!

Kim tickling Alex so I can hear her beautiful laugh!

Kim and Ionella looking out the window

Ioanna playing with my lens cap

Ioanna and Terri

Paula and Sammy

My new friends thanks to the camera LOL

Alexandru trying to touch the camera lens

Ana Marie, another older child, has tummy troubles and throws up frequently

Miastra... loves massages and being alone

More fighting over the camera

Alexandru always needs to be the center of attention LOL

Paula, Sammy, and Kim just hanging out in the playroom.. Ana Maria joins in the picture below

Laura and Alexandra

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