Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preparing for Romania Times 2

Less than a month from now I hope to be arriving in Romania on my third volunteer mission. This time is going to be even better than the times before... why? you ask.. well because finally my daughter Emily will be able to experience the joys of volunteering in Romania with me!

Change is the key word for this Romania trip! The clinic in Tutova has been changed into a senior center per the Romanian government. The babies and children I worked with before have been scattered in various directions.

Emily and I will be volunteering at the Children's Hospital in Barlad, Romania. Those of you who have followed my blog in the past may remember that my experience with the Children's Hospital on my first trip was truly an eyeopening experience. I am so excited to be returning to the hospital with an invitation of the director (not specifically to me of course but to the Global Volunteer community) in hopes of creating a safe loving environment for the children who pass through those halls.

I have been so blessed during my fundraising campaign. So many friends have stepped forward and made donations to myself or to Emily. People's generosity continues to amaze me! As usual my family and close friends have shown nothing but their support for this adventure. Even though Emily and I are the ones making the actual trip and going to work each day in a foreign country.. many people are going to be experiencing it vicariously through us -- and we will hold those babies and play with the toddlers and older children and show them the love you have shown us!
Thanks friends!